Friday 31 December 2010

Happy New Year

As 2010 comes to an end, it is time to reflect upon the year that has passed, and point out the direction for the next year. 
2010 was quite an eventful year for me, of which I am not going to bore you with the details of; engagement, MSc degree and a vast amount of travelling to mention some. And I am pretty sure 2011 will be a hurricane of ups and downs and wonderful,
I am not very big on new years resolutions, as I live in the firm belief that most new years resolutions will eventually fail, most likely before the end of January. How many times have you not promised yourself that "this year I am going to go to the gym every day", "loose a kilo or so", " do something good for humanity" or the worst of them all (as it is bound to fail even quicker than the rest of the lot) "not spend as much money". I promise you, by the time the January sale is over, you have spent more than you did the last six months combined.
Failed new years resolutions can spiral into a year of bad conscience, and who would really wish that upon themselves? In my opinion, girls have enough bad conscience as it is, be it for cakes (that we should not have eaten), friends (we should have prioritised) or work/ school (we should have done).

Last year I dealt with the stress of starting fresh and a new year to provide myself with more achieveable goals; wear more nailpolish and be better at using big earrings. Extremely achieveable, and I can proudly (well-well) say that I did, for once, manage to keep my resolutions.

This year, I am taking a step out of the vain-ness that were 2010, and are aiming a little bit higher. I do not promise to spend less money shopping - after all, some of us needs to keep the economy going. However, I do promise to shop smarter. I take the lead from Italy and are banning all plastic bags from my shopping routine in 2011. As Tesco says "every little helps", and in 2011 I will do my toll for the environment. 

I will encourage, or perhaps challenge, you to do the same.

So have a Happy New Year everyone! Join me and shop smarter in 2011. Do you have any ideas to bring som eco into chic, send me an e-mail and I will follow up the best ideas. You might be the one who comes up with the next big idea, that just might make shopping into a greener and leaner experience for all of us, including the planet.

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