Thursday 10 June 2010

Desert fashion & too much Dior..

I have been a faithful fan of Carrie & co for many years, and do not get me wrong, I still am. However SATC 2 (even though I did not really expect too much in the first place) was a small disappointment, on so many levels. Of course, I was thrilled about seeing the girls again, and there were some fashion moments to remember, but it was like the magic had left the building (or the set) and the air had gone out of the balloon. Not even the fashion was as splendid as I had hoped for, it honestly just was a bit too much of everything . I had the feeling that some scenes was just made up to show as many items/ products as possible, as for example the desert scene displayed above. I could possible find some pieces I love in all the scenes. However, when you pile designer items up layer by layer as it has been done here, it is actually a little bit hard for the eyes to concentrate on a single piece. In my opinion, the movie just reeked of product placement - big time. Product placement is ok, as long as you manage to do it a little bit subtle. SATC 2 is everything but subtle.

However, the saddest thing about the movie is the feeling of that the friendship between the girls is gone. I did not feel the warmth and friendship I felt when watching the series of the first movie. Instead of friends, I saw actors. Rumours have said it was quite a lot of fighting and hurt feelings on set, and after watching the movie that is very easy to believe in. It is also very hard to feel a connection with the girls anymore. In the series you could recognize some of your own problems, and you did feel that they were normal girls, like you and I. Girls you could have been friends with. In SATC 2 the girls do not dress doen even once. Carrie even use ballgowns and sky high heels when relaxing home having take-away with Mr.Big. I just wanted to scream:
Give that woman a pair of slippers and some sweatpants!

But some of the fashion did get my attention...

Blue two piece dress and the little white dress, Halston Heritage.

After the resurrection of Halston, and its Heritage line, some seasons ago, the fahsion house has been very present at the fashion scene. Some of their notion is probably due to their close cooperation with Sarah Jessica Parker. So there was no surprise that Halston managed to get some dresses into the second SATC movie. My favourite was the blue piece, which we also could see in no less than two other versions (one orange and short, one green and long). This radiant blue colour has had a major presence in the trend picture this spring/summer, and my prediction is that SATC 2 will make it even hotter. I duly spotted lookalike pieces in the windows at both Ted Baker and H&M right after the movie was released. The yellow shoes and the red maxi bag is the cherry on top of the cake. I love it.

The little white dress - Have'nt you bought one yet, it is about time you do. The little white dress is a sure thing this summer. If I am not mistaken, the piece Carrie is wearing here is also from Halston. The statement jewellery gives the outfit an edge. This is how I like to see Carrie, simple and elegant.

Dior's famous newspaper dress.

This is not a recommendation, but rather a sigh of despair. Have we not seen this kind of dress before? I am positive this dress and the pattern is the most copied and tacky style ever, often spotted in Mini Markets in Greece, booths on the street and similar "classy" outlets. Why on earth would Patricia Field choose to put this dress in SATC 2?It is tempting to quote the Black Eyed Peas "....You're so 2000 and late....".

I adore theese heavenly blue suede shoes. The bag, not so much.

Here is a pair of shoes to kill for. Pink and gold looks amazing together. A candy for soar eyes.

The girls do look faboulous at times. In this scene they all look gorgeus, and the dresses are radiant. Maxi dresses is very hot this summer, and so is colours - all colours really. My favourite is the pink one Carrie is wearing.

Yes, we know, the 80s is back. But was'nt it back last year as well? Very well, we can do it one more time, but perhaps play it a bit more down than the girls have here. However, this part was one of the funniest things in the movie, besides Samanthas menopause, too bad the sequence were so short.

Desert fashion is dazzling and fun. Get inspired. What about a turban?

There are rumours about a SATC 3, and even a 4th. Actually, I kind of hope that it will be, taken that the 3rd one will be fantastic and restore the image I have of these faboulous women.
As the faithful fan I am, I enjoyed the movie, but I am aware of its faults. A tip: Do not bring your boyfriend!

The product placement was way over the top, from Pringles, to cars, to Dior. I never thought I would ever say that it is possible to get too much Dior, but actually, there is. And who wears a ballgown at home really? And when did SATC become a musical where everybody sing and dance (the karaoke scene)? The part where Liza Minelli are singing "Single ladies" were just embarrassing.
To quote one of my friends:

"You know the feeling you get when you drink a little bit too much wine, and think your ideas are incredible at that time, but the next morning...not so much? Well, Micahel Patrick King (the director) drank too much wine, but unfortunately he still went with his ideas the next day".

But I love SATC, and I always will. But the art in doing a succesful tv show, and some movies is to know where to stop. Perhaps that point is reached?

The world has SATC mania, and various shops are trying to create some extra revenue on aligning themselves with the SATC image. Here is the window at Debenhams. Desert fashion and SATC posters all over the place. Lets shop!

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