Friday 18 June 2010

Nora Norway

Norway has during the last couple of years seen the rise of many exciting designers and brands, especially jewellery has proven to be one of the Norwegian, and Scandinavian, innovative strengths. I tripped and falled head over heels in love with the Nora Norway earrings when I spotted them on a girl last summer during a wedding in Tuscany. I have been looking for them ever since, without any luck, until today when I walked into my beloved boutique and they suddenly just appeared infront of me. While I have searched all over Europe for the earrings (I did not know which brand they were from) they have been in the place where I spent most of my early twenties, and called my second home, all along. That is what I call ironic. I bought a pair asap, and you know what? I recommend you to do the same. They are faboulous. Pop by His & Hers boutique in Gjøvik if you find yourself near by, or go to to look for your nearest retailer. Diamonds (fake or real) is indeed a girls best friend...

Simplicity is beautiful...

1 comment:

  1. Elsker de ! Skal kjøpe et par til, i tilegg til de røde. Hvilke syntes du jeg skal kjøpe? som passer til meg ?
